Monday, August 29, 2005

To India! いざ、インドへ!

Photo by Masahiro Masuno

21 Day course for the Japanese will start on September 4th. I will be leaving Minnesota tomorrow, August 30th. It sounds early, but I will be stopping by my parents house in Tokyo and stay there for a couple of days. I got this ticket because I really wanted to visit them on my way back to the US so that I could give Deeksha to my family!

When I reserved my flight, I was also worried if there is any influence of all those Northwest labor problems going on. I didn't make reservations with them, but just it was always on the back of my head. I was thinking, I should make reservations for earlier date so that if there is any delay or cancellation, I will be able to work on a second plan. I was paranoid, obviously. It looks like I will be in Tokyo as scheduled and catch the flight to India from there. It is still unbelievable that I will really be in Golden City so soon...

I have been looking for freedom from sufferings, attachments, and being always with God all my life. Finally, and for the first time, I feel certainty deep in my heart that I am on my way. I never had this before. I have heared all kinds of experiences people have had in India, but even that does not seem to matter to me anymore, although I would suspect that I will probably have jealously, or sadness if I didn't have any experience and everyone else I will be with had. But right now it seems just Being there is so precious, and so amazing. This is how I feel right now.

I might not be able to update this diary for a while, so here is a reminder. Deeksha Giver Elizabeth Scherwenka is coming to Minneapolis on 23-24 September. Anyone interested, contact Simon at (612)723-7593, or e-mail me at I will be able to check my e-mails till Sep.3rd.





Friday, August 26, 2005

How I came to know Him きっかけ

Photo by Masahiro Masuno

It was this April when I got to know Bhagavan. I had been practicing TM(Transcendental Meditation) and Sidi program for some years by then, and was satisfied at first with the outcome. All the health problems I had were significantly improved, and my heart felt much lighter and energetic too.

But as the time goes by, all those 'Suffering of Existence' that I didn't have for years since I started TM came back and started haunting me badly. When I came to the point of almost breaking down, I screamed inside me; I cannot take it anymore, please someone help me, I cannot go any further by myself. Then Amma and Bhagavan appeared on a website I used to visit quite often.

Mr. Watanabe is a TM teacher and also he reads jyotish chart, prescribe jyotish gems. I knew him for 5 years before I saw Amma and Bhagavan's info on his website. Why I didn't notice before then? I don't know. I suppose that we all have our own personal timings, and Amma and Bhagavan pick the best moment to come to our life. I searched more about them on other websites, found out who they were.

Everything started happening very quickly after that. I knew right away that there was a 21 day course in India to be a Deeksha giver, and that participation in preparation course before it is mandatory. It was not easy for me to fill that requirement while I am living in Minnesota though. It was out of question that I would join in American course for 21 day--I am not that comfortable with my English. I was in despair. (It is quite hard to say I need to fly half the globe just to take a 3 day Deeksha course.)

All the jealous, anger, and sadness that I was not in Japan at this important time crushed me at first. So many people have already gone to India, started their process of revelation, and what am I doing here? Bhagavan, why you didn't show up in my life until now? You are too late, you are mean, you are horrible! I spent many nights crying and cursing Amma and Bhagavan.

Then one day, my friend emailed me and said that she was getting married in July and wanted me to be there. There was a preparation course for India in July just a week before her wedding! (Mari, I would have been there even if there is no Deeksh course then, just in case you wonder!) Right away, I got a flight ticket to Tokyo, convinced my husband, and took time off from work. I participated in the preparation course, went to Deeksha event almost every day while I was in Tokyo, and here I am now getting ready to go to India in a week!

It seems like I pushed everything with such an insane urge. It surprises me looking back right now. I had bought tickets to be in Japan and in India even before I talked to my husband or arranged my work schedule. Wow, I didn't know I had that guts・・・・!








Thursday, August 25, 2005

Synchronicity 出会いの不思議

Photo by Masahiro Masuno

There was a wonderful meeting supported by incredible synchronicity.

When I came back from Tokyo in July, I desperately wanted to get connected with someone in the US to be a part of this Golden Age Movement. I contacted Sri Rani, then she gave me address of Marie and Nathan in Iowa, but couldn't get anyone closer in this huge land. I was keep praying. Then Marie and Nathan later emailed me that Elizabeth was coming to Minnesota sometime soon.

Unfortunately, her Deeksha Event will be held when I am in India for the 21 days course. I was disappointed that I couldn't meet her this time. Then, Elizabeth gave my info to the person organizing her event in Minnesota. After emails and phone calls, I finally met this person yesterday!

Simon got to know about Deeksha this May and spent his summer off in California where there are lots of Deeksha event. He stayed there for 2 weeks receiving Deeksha everyday, and recently came back home in Minnesota. Just like me, he was sad that there is no Deeksha giver here and that it is so hard to find someone to talk about it. He was asking Amma and Bhagavan that he wants to get to know someone with spiritual interest...

Then out of nowhere I appeared in Minnesota and somehow we got connected. It feels like nothing but Grace. We forgot time and talked away as if we have been friends for years.

He is hoping to participate in 21 day course either in January or in summer 06. Now Simon and I can plan some Deeksha Event and we can be supporting each other for our own spiritual path. Amma and Bhagavan coordinate everything to work perfectly. Everytime I become sad or disapointed, Divine Grace shows me I don't have to worry about anything. I will just have to leave everything to their Grace... Yes, Yes, Yes!!! Thank you so much Amma and Bhagavan, I love you dearly...






彼も来年の1月にアメリカ人向けの21日間コース参加をターゲットに予定を組んでいるので、これでコースの後ミネソタに帰ってきてから一緒にディクシャ活動をする仲間が確実にできたというわけ。ホントにアンマ・バガヴァンが全てうまくいくようにしてくれてるんだ~、何にも心配する事はないんだ~、と実感させられる出来事。ここまで見せられたら、もう、全てお任せしちゃうしかないよね♪ アンマ・バガヴァン、ありがとうございます!そしてサイモン、これからよろしくね☆

Monday, August 22, 2005

Deeksha Event ディクシャ会のお知らせ

What is Deeksha?
Deeksha is a transfer of energy for Enlightenment

There are many Divine Beings (Avatars) on this planet working to take humankind into the Golden Age where humanity will live in total harmony with the Universe. But Enlightenment is not something that can be achieved by an individual without divine intervention. It is the mission of Sri Bhagavan and Sri Amma to bring all of humanity to Enlightenment. Their vision is to enlighten 64,000 people in the world. As a result, those people will transform the rest of humanity. To this day, every word that Sri Bhagavan has said has come true. Each day the energy that is being transferred to individuals is increasing manifold and thousands of people are becoming enlightened here and now.

Oneness teacher Elizabeth Scherwenka has been on a spiritual journey for most of her life. Starting at a very young age with her connection to animals and nature, she has had a variety of teachers. For over ten years, she has embraced the teachings of Abraham-Hicks. She has worked under a Native American Shaman, attended Barbara Brennan workshops, and has been trained in psychic healing and reading at the Foundation for Spiritual Development in San Rafael. Most recently, she participated in the 21-day intensive program at Oneness University in India. During this time, she received “Deeksha,” a transfer of energy for Enlightenment. Elizabeth now transfers Deeksha to others.

“After receiving Deeksha, you will find that you are no longer controlled by the attachments of your mind but rather the fullness of your heart, where compassion is innate, forgiveness is not a question, and acceptance is a forgone conclusion. Feelings of separateness will no longer exist. In their place, you will experience feelings of Oneness – not as a “knowing” from your mind, but as a “knowing” from your heart.”

Date: September 23-24, 2005
Time: 7:30-10 on Friday/10-1 on Saturday
Location: 6730 Vernon Ave. So. Edina, MN 55436
Contact: Simoniji @ 612-723-7593
Suggested Donation: $25-50 sliding scale


Sunday, August 21, 2005

Power of Prayer 祈りの力

Photo by Masahiro Masuno

Life is full of blessings. Just by looking at my short life, I cannot help but realize there is countless Divine Grace given. Being born in this very age is a blessing. We are witnessing the great changes that only happen once in thousands of years.

I have heared many times that we can only grow in this world because we all go to the world suitable for individual level of consciousness after death. And we are now given to live this very age where energy of enlightenment is abundant. We do suffer a lot, but purification and liberation are also given. It sometimes surprises me that I am actually given as much as I have hoped and prayed.

Divine Grace, Amma and Bhagavan, thank you. Ancestors, Mother, Father, thank you for I am here because of you. As much gratitude as I feel, realization of what I really want comes to me. My consciousness started to focus. It is to give Deeksha that I really want to do. I want that many people will receive the Devine Grace through this body. The energy will be given in India very soon... Oh Lord, please make me one of your instruments!

Prayers of St Francis

Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace!
Where there is hatred let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
Where there is sadness, joy.

O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
To be consoled as to console;
To be understood as to understand;
To be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive;
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.







Saturday, August 20, 2005

Circle of Friends 人の輪

Photo by Masahiro Masuno

Since I started receiving deeksha, circle of people have expanded tremendously. Kind and caring yet respectful and not co-dependent one. When I was stupidly trying to keep up with the 'standard' of the world, I could not find friends that I can talk about God or soul that are so important for me. As soon as I accepted myself just as I am and realized that I can only live as myself even though that does not agree with the successful model of the world, I got to know many friends that I was looking for. What a Grace!

I might get to know even more people like that in the 21 day course. Friends that are looking for their own way of life instead of trying to follow someone else's expectations or many different 'should's.

I was a bit concerned at first if I can keep the silence for such a long while. But after the preparation course in July, I realized it was nothing to worry about. Not only is the silence necessary to focus on our own inner thought and feelings, it might also be a great way to share the process of each other's inner experience--by respecting and supporting to focus, which is more eloquent than millions of words. Can't wait to be there!




Thursday, August 18, 2005

Birthday Gift 夫の誕生日

My deeksha giver friend Clare Yuko sent me a list of things to bring to India today. Made me realize the time is getting closer. My head is not working very well especially after the distance deeksha for Amma's Birthday celebration. I'm lucky to have friends who care about me when my mind is so absent.

And today was my husband's Birthday. (Good thing I didn't forget!) I asked him what he wanted to have for a gift a few weeks ago. His modest response was, 'I want to eat springs rolls till I'm full without sharing with anyone'. Obviously, I haven't been feeding him well enough・・・・! Sorry, I know you like springrolls very much, but it's not the quickest food to cook that I only made them when we had guests. Today I made lots of springrolls just for him for a change.

今日はクレ アゆうこさんが、インドに持って行くといいもののリストをメールで送ってくれました。あー、そろそろなんだなぁって、人に言われて初めてはっとした感じ。うーん、何だかここのところぼーっとしていて、思考能力がだんだん減っているような。。。そんな私なので、こんな風に、すでにインドへ行った方からアドバイスをして頂いて、とっても助かっちゃった。ゆうこさんありがとう。


Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Straightening Basic Relationships 父母との関係

Photo by Masahiro Masuno

I have been so irritated since this morning. I know the reason. When I was meditating last evening, I had a vision of the Korean Peninsula and realized that I have to face the dark emotions I had been trying not to see--relationship with my Father.

Before meditating, I had checked my email and had another message from Marie and Nathan. They gave me the information of homework that I could do to better prepare me for India. The main part of the homework is, to straighten out the relationship with parents. It starts as follows;

Imagine one parent as they are conceived in the womb of our grandmother. Feel how they felt as they matured in the womb, were born into the family of our grandparents, and grew up in their family. Experience their feelings as they matured, had romances, and finally conceived us. Feel the sacrifices they made for us. Feel how they felt when we were born, grew up, and left home. Feel what they felt when we hurt them. Ask their forgiveness. Ask their blessings. Repeat this exercise until the love flows freely between us and parents.

My mind had shut this out immediately when I read this, because the information was something it didn't want to see or hear or do. When I got a message from them about the distance deeksha, gratitude flooded out instantly. This time even gratitude couldn't seem to find a way up my heart--that was serious! Mind does some tricks! So I meditated. Then the deepest of my consciousness gave me this vision of Korea! Oh, Bhagavan, do I have to do this now? I really don't want to. It is too painful.....

Actually Korea was the place my Father was born. My grandpa was sent there as a government worker and went to the WWII from there. He was born during grandpa's absence since grandma got pregnant right before grandpa had to go. My Father was already 3 years old when grandpa came back. Grandpa never had a chance to see the cutest years of his first son, and he remained a rather formal and distant father than affectionate. Grandma was also a type who almost never showed warmth or affection. My Father never experienced being loved.

I have never been able to forgive my Father who has been selfish and abusive (emotionally and sometimes even physically) since my childfhood. Yet when I look at the way he was raised, I realize that he had never known warmth, kindness, the deepest of love. He didn't know any other way. There was nothing he could do about it, it was not his fault. All the love he could have given to my Mom, to me, or to my brothers, he didn't know what to do because he had never received any.

Looking back, whatever trouble I had in relationships especially with my husband, it all goes back to the relationship with my Father. Many of the arguments we have, it is when I see my Father in my husband or when I see the side of myself that I don't like in my husband. And the side of myself that I don't like is exactly like my Father!

This work is going to take me a while. There is so much to see. I have only touched the first clue, and I feel stuffed now. I will take it slow and will work out eventually. At least, I will not avoid looking at it anymore. Because I want to love, because I know my Father is also Bhagavan and Amma's child just as I am. I really want to see that.



見たくないものなので、はいはい、と言う感じですぐにマインドはすぐにシャットアウトし、そのことを考えもせず瞑想に入った。遠隔ディクシャのことを教えてもらった時は感謝の心がすぐに湧いてきたのに、今回はそれも脇においや られている感じ。マインドって、ほんとに巧妙に働くものなんだね。そしてでてきたのが「韓国」。ひぇー、バガヴァン、どうしても今これをみないとダメ?見たくないよ。痛いよ。





Tuesday, August 16, 2005







お化粧のデモストレーションが終わって、仕上がりに納得した彼女はその一式を買うことにした。すると、さすがセールスのお姉さん、たくさんのブラシやらパフやらを一緒に籠に入れて持ってきた。それを見たマリアの一言 ’それで、どれが本当に必要なものなの?’ ワハハ、ちょっと脇で笑ってしまった。欲しいものは買うけど、ちゃんと必要と不必要を見分けて、決してつけこまれない強さも持つマリア。そんなあなたが大好きだよ☆

Monday, August 15, 2005

Divine Grace 大いなる母、アンマの恩寵

Photo by Masahiro Masuno
Today August 15th is Sri Amma's Birthday. I was praying for Amma's special Grace even though Her Birthday was actually last night since US is behind Indian time.

Sri Amma, Divine Mother, May you give me the state where I can love with the same love you give me. May you let me be by the many that need your love as one of your channels after I am through the 21 days course. I prayed for Her Grace so that I will clearly know that I am actually part of her Divine unconditional love.

After the prayer, I went to check my emails as usual. There I found a message from the Deeksha giver whose contact address Sri Rani had given me a couple of days ago. The message read,

'A special distance deeksha in honor of the birthday of Sri Amma will be given on Monday, August 15, from 9:00AM to 9:15AM Pacific Time. To receive the deeksha, just find a quiet place to rest and relax with your eyes closed and with gratitude towards the Divine in your heart. '

Can you imagine my surprise and joy and gratitude? Of course Amma knew all the jealous and sadness I had inside for not being able to participate in any of the celebration deeksha that was taking place all over the world. I felt as if I were hearing Amma say 'you have to heal yourself first, dear child.....' She gave me this wonderful gift to answer my prayers. Also thanks to Sri Rani who conducted the Deeksha and Nathan who gave me the information about it.  (The info was on the website, but I would not have known without his email. I was too late to check the website)

Sitting to receive the Golden energy at the given time, tears were coming down my face the whole time. How much love can She give me? My heart is full of gratitude for all what has given by Her. May Divine Grace be spread as quickly as possible in the world.....




その後、いつもの習慣通り、メールチェックしていたら、何と、この間ラニさん(アメリカでゴールデンエイジムーブメントの中心となっている方)から紹介して頂いていた、アイオワ州のディクシャギヴァーの方からメッセージが入っていました。アンマのお誕生日の遠隔ディクシャをするので、指定した時間にリラックスしてエネルギーを受け取ってください、と! (実際に遠隔ディクシャをされたのは、ラニさんで、この方は情報をメールで教えてくださったのです。)



Sunday, August 14, 2005

Happy Birthday Sri Amma! アンマ聖誕日

Happy Birthday, Sri Amma!

I've heared there are celebrations for this occasion everywhere in the world. In Japan, there are charity deeksha courses everywhere for the August 15th Sri Amma's Birthday. The biggest one in Tokyo is held with a space to hold 400 people. I hope everyone who wishes to participate will be able to do so...'cause I heared there are possibilities of waiting list already in July! I am not there to participate deeksha for Her Birthday celebration, but I am certain everyone who think of her on this special day will receive her Grace.


Saturday, August 13, 2005

On my way home...

Photo by Masahiro Masuno

I had a strange sensation last night. Tears started coming down when I was in bed at night with all the flashback of painful moments in my past. All of a sudden, a bunch of bright white light came down to me through the sahasrara-chakra on the top of my head. The palm of my hands started to feel electrical vibration just like when I receive deeksha. I felt as if my body was floating in the wave of calming light, and I might have fallen asleep, but I think I saw images of a little girl in my dream.

Little girl all by herself was just barely walking, crying. I heared a weak, but unmistakable voice of her heart screaming, 'Mommy, Daddy, please come pick me up. I want to go home...'

She might have sneaked out of the house, curious of everything outside of her house. After walking around and looking everything that seemed interesting at first, however, she had lost her way home. She was looking for her Mom and Dad, shaking in cold, being scared of the shadows at night, and feeling the devastating lonliness.

Oh Lord, I want to go back to you. But I have come so far out. I cannot see the path anymore. I cannot walk by myself any step further....Please come pick me up... My own inner voice doubled with the girl's scream. I run to her, hugged her, and took her hand.

Amma, Bhagavan, is it you.....? Have you just come to pick me up....? Ah, Lord, thank you! I will be home with are where I come from and eventually go back to....soon...




ああ神様。。。あなたの元に帰りたい、でもこんなに遠くまで来てしまいました。道が見えないです。もう一人では歩けません。むかえにきて。。。。女の子の叫びに、私の内側の声が重なって聞こえました。 思わず駆け寄って女の子を抱きしめ、手をとりました。


Friday, August 12, 2005

Deeksha Environment ディクシャ環境

Divine Presence Photo by Clare Yuko

Keep thinking about India and about after 21 days maha-deeksha course in September. There are a lot of things I want to do. Lots of Deeksha activities. I wonder how it will work out though?? Maybe I am thinking too far out in the future again.

There are many things that make me think that Japan is very lucky regarding their environment for deeksha. Of course, all I have seen is recent development of the movement, and I am sure it is because of Mr. Oya and his friends' admirable efforts to have made Golden Age Movement as big as it is right now....

For example, the space for deeksha workshop. There are community centers or something similer to them wherever you go in Japan. They are easily accessible, and they are avairable for very few fee. In America, as long as I have seen, there is not much community centers. Community service is mostly done by charch and for this, it is not easily accesible unless you are an active memeber of the religion. I don't know much, but my guess is, it may be about the same in Europe and many other places as well.

Land is also one condition. Japan has great railway connections that goes to every corner of the country. Train stations are everywhere. If it is at this very moment, if you go a few hours from wherever you are, you could probably reach one deeksha giver. America is huge, however, no railway, car is the only transportation in most places.

I contacted Sri Rani's website the other day in order to ask if there is any deeksha giver close by Minneapolis. (Thank you for Mr.Oya for contact address) The answer was, the closest they know is in Fairfield, Iowa. IOWA! Yes, it is next to Minnesota, I know. But it takes 5-6 hours to get there at least! This is just incredible to a me who was so used to everything so close by. With 5-6 hours, you can probably go from Tokyo to Fukuoka by Shinkansen in Japan. (Probably 2/3 of the entire Japanese population would be in between) To cover this huge American land, I would guess a lot of deeksha givers would be needed. Or maybe long distance deeksha would be the popluar means?

One more noticeable thing is, religion. Japanese people have pretty generous attitude toward religion to my eyes. Even those who do belong to certain religious group, there is a tendency that part of their lifves have some other religion's color somewhere. For instance, I went to a Christian college although I am not a Christian. There, I got close to a friend whoes Father owns a temple as a Buddhist monk. She went to a Buddhist junior high, went to a Christian college, and whenever we traveled together and saw a Shinto Shrine we would visit for prayers. Nobody find it weired. Actually similer things happen everyday everywhere, and nobody find it strange. This is probably a remarkablly different attitude in the entire world.

If a certain religion has strong aspect in a culture or a country, it is a big thing to be understood in details that deeksha has absolutely no conflict with their religion. In the case of Japan, they just have to let people know deeksha does not belong to a religious group. Just in the same way Buddhist would be happy to go to a Christian college or vice versa, they would find it natural to keep their own faith or religion and still give space for Amma and Bhagavan in their life at the same time.

Oh well, I was just thinking out loud. Just thought there are many lucky components that Japan has. But I have leared Divine Grace will be given when you are at the right place for yourself wherever that might be. I try not to think too much. If I were to start giving deeksha after September maha-deeksha course, Amma and Bhagavan will certainly give me their Grace to do anything that need to be done. Fun to think about it!

インド行きのことを考えたりしながら、インドから帰ってきた時のことにも思いを馳せていました。帰ってきたら、いっぱいやりたいことがあるなぁ。いっぱいディクシャをしたいな。でもこの土地で、どうやっていこう??? うーん、我ながら相変わらず気が早い。。。


例えば、ディクシャの会をする場所。日本では、どんな地域にもコミュニティーセンターや、それに類似するものがあって、地域の人ならとっても安い値段で場所を予約することができるでしょう? アメリカには、コミュニティーセンターってものがないのよ~!多分、ヨーロッパなんかでも同じなんじゃないかな。それらが果たすべき役割は、大抵それぞれの地域にある教会が担っている、ってわけ。その教会に通う人間で、その活動にも参加している場合を除いて、スペースを借りる、ってのはなかなか難しいよね、当然。


この間、カリフォルニアにいる、アメリカでの運動の中心になっているRani さんという方のウェブサイトにアクセスして(大矢さんに教えて頂きました。ありがとうございました。)、ミネアポリス近辺でどなたかディクシャギヴァーはいませんか、って尋ねたら、あなたの所から一番近い人はアイオワ州フェアフィールドにいます、って返事だったのね。アイオワ!!!確かにアイオワは隣の州だけど、そんなの、車で5,6時間かかっちゃうよ。その他の交通手段はもちろん無い。無理だよう。5,6時間あれば、のぞみに乗れば東京から福岡まで、行けちゃうよ。アメリカは、広い。ディクシャも、日常の一こまになるまでには、相当の数のディクシャギヴァーがいないといけないんじゃないかな。 それか、遠隔が大活躍しそうな条件だね。








Beautiful Message 心にひびく言葉

Photo by Masahiro Masuno

I have always been restricted by my self-imposed obligation with many 'should'. My friend Clare Yuko, who is a deeksha giver, wrote beautiful words in her diary yesterday. I would like to introduce the message with her permission. (Sorry if my translation is not good)

To think
I want to do this way, or
I want to do that way,
is sometimes very hard.

You might force yourself to do what you thought you wanted to do,
or if you couldn't do it even though that was what you wanted,
you might blame yourself.
There are many people like that.

You don't have to decide what the future is like.
If everything in life is already determined,
It would be the happiest if you can just accept everything as it comes.

If you can believe that is the best life you can live,
Your heart will be filled with gratitude and joy.
And even when it is hard to think that way,
If you can accept all the inner feelings,
Someday you might find how much God loves you,
And embracing you always.



Thursday, August 11, 2005

Cinderella Man シンデレラ・マン

My husband wants to go see Cinderella Man one more time. Ummm, I'm not sure if Iwant to watch that one again. Last time I saw it, I felt as if I were punched all over my body. Yeah, I know, it's a boxing movie. What do I expect?!

James J. Braddock (Russell Crowe )used to be a favorate next champion of heavy weight boxing, but as he breaks his right hand he starts losing badly. On early days of Depression, he was decended to earn just a few dollars once in a while on a dock work, just as many of his country men in general. When he and his family was at the very bottom point, his former manger offers him $250 to fight a heavy-weight rank 2 boxer.

During the era of Depression, when people were losing faith and hope, he fights with all of their dreams and hopes on his shoulder, and brings what they had almost lost back into their life. . . .Sounds compelling as a story. If I had seen it a dacade ago, when I myself was one of the highschool Athletes, I would probably have moved and cried by the entire story.

Don't take me wrong. I was touched by his deep love to his family which never had changed throughout good times and bad times. But I am so tired of the world like sports, for example, where all the glory and joy exist only as the other side of the coin, and the dark depression and suffering comes back in a single moment.

All the feeling of contentment and superiority, that come from competition or comparison, eventually end up in the inferiority complex, uncontentment, despite of all the effort you might make. Enough of that. I hope that one day, I would have absolute value, absolute joy inside me that I don't need to look at something else for validation. I want to say, 'this is ok, this is good as it is' even if it might look less.






Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Miracle Water 奇蹟の水

Photo by Masahiro Masuno

I brought back *'Miracle Water' home that I got at Kevin's (=Mr.Nakanishi: mentioned in my last diary) seminer back in July.

Of course my husband didn't want to believe me when I first mentioned about it. (what a surprise, haha!) So when it was really hot for a few days and our plants in the garden were almost dying ( I had watered regular tap water before this day), I said to him, 'I'm going to give this miracle water today. You would probably want to watch them carefully before and after!'

Guess what happened? I gave the water in the morning. By the time he came home around 4pm, flowers looked at the sky so proudly, the leaves got back to life. My Mr. (Always) Right tried to insist they always looked like that. But I know he was checking on them with wonder when I pretended I wasn't looking. After 5 days of giving the miracle water, the plants started shooting new leaves and for this, my Mr.Right admitted it was the water doing the job! He doesn't complain about me reminding him to drink the water himself now. Good progress!

I gave the water to my Mother-in-law as well with full explanation. She gets a lof of stress from work and that seems like piling up on her body. I am looking forward to seeing how her health is going to change.

I used to be afraid of admitting this kind of 'non-scientific' thing publicly even though I was and am certain of the existence of the world we cannot see with the eyes. Just the labels that people might stick on me scared me, which was causing a lot of unnecessary suffering.

To my surprise, this time I was not even thinking about this label that might come with talking about unseenables. Then, even more surprisingly, my mother-in-law just was genuinely pleased to have it with her. No suspicion, no doubt as long as I could see. (believe me, she is not like that all the time--Woops, I might get into trouble) Maybe people react not so much to the content of the talk, but to the expectations, anxiety, self-esteem, and assumptions that the talker has inside. It is so true that relationships are mirrors of yourself.

*Kevin makes this 'miracle water' just by starering at any water. When he went to 21 days Maha-deeksha course in India, he was shown a video about 'Miracle Oil' which cured a woman's non-curable disease that doctors had given up.

He asked Bhavagan in a private darshan, if something similer would happen in Japan as well. Bhagavan answered it will happen, but it is not Him that make it happen, but Mr. Nakanishi. Bhagavan added that whatever Nr. Nakanishi sees, if he says it will change, it will. For example, if Mr. Nakanishi says this is miracle water, it will be.

So at his first Deeksha sessions in Sendai on 24 October 2004, Mr. Nakanishi made 'Miracle Water'. Since then, thousands of thousands of people have been using it and so many miracles have happened. If you put one drop of 'miracle water' into a bottle, the entire water in the bottle will be the 'miracle water'. The concept of it is 'Joy'. Many scientists have shown interest on this water and now all kinds of research is going on. (partly translated from Mr.Nakanishi's website)If you are interested in the miracle water, contact me for more detail. Also linked is Mr. Nakanishi's website if you can read Japanese.






Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Healing ヒーリング

My in-laws came to visit for dinner last night. Actually, it would be more appropriate to say my mechanic father-in-law came to fix our vent that was leaking water. He is a very handy guy, he does everything from electronic to plumbing to roofing and woodwork. Since we have bought our house 2,5 years ago, we never had to call a professional to fix anything. That, I think, is surprising considering how old our house is. Sincere thanks to him.

I wasn't going to talk about my father-in-law. I am getting forgetful these days. Once I start something, I forget what I was going to do at the beginning. Anyway, while my husband and his Dad was fixing stuff, I was giving *Nakanishi-healing (Dolphin healing in another name)to my mother-in-law. I leaned this healing method in Japan while I was there last month.

The week I came back from Japan, my husband was on a business trip and so with the extra time, I visited my mother-in-law a couple of days to experiment/practice how good it works on her.

Funny thing is, it was not me, but my mother-in-law that got addicted to it after just two days of practice. She had problem of falling asleep, but started sleeping good, her knee pain disappeared, and her shoulder got loose like never been in many years.

After she experenced this healing, it seems like she was waiting for another opportunity to get practiced on again! As soon as she heared there was a vent problem in our house, she called up and brought her husbad to fix the problem. It was so funny! I would say she would had to just let me know that she wanted it again. I would be really happy to practice!

I do practice on my husband as well. At first he was very reluctant because he doesn't believe 'non-scientific' things, but I just told him that he doesn't have to believe anything. Just let me practice so I won't forget. That was the first day.

Second day, he laid down without me telling anything. It was not even 3 minutes before he fell asleep like a little baby after I put my hand on his heart chakra. Imagine how he is by now. He ASKS me to do it ! He likes it before bedtime since it puts him to sleep good.

I am a brand new healer, but it reminded me how much joy someone's happy smile can bring to me. By the way, Dolphin signifies the existence that brings magical energy from another dimension field and support us to realize our dreams in playful and fun way.

I remember feeling such a strong urge to learn this Dolphin healing right before coming back to the US. As I have always believed, there is no coincidence in this world. I hope there are opportunities to let many people know this healing method sometime in the future. If you would like to know more about this Dolphin (Nakanishi-healing) , just let me know!

*Mr.Kenji Nakanishi (Kevin) is a top healer and a deeksha giver in Japan. He was taught traditional Indian healing method from Saibaba in his dream 12 years ago, and has been traveling all over Japan to listen to people's pain since then. With his healing, over 80,000 people has been healed from physical and emotional suffering including many cancers, blindness, sleeplessness, muscle pain, broken bones, severe back ache,etc.






Monday, August 08, 2005


Divine Presence Photo by Clare Yuko







First Diary! 初めての日記

It is exciting and also a bit scary to write here. It does take some courage... It might sound wicked, but I used to be a person who never disclose herself to anyone except to very few good friends. And even to those few, it would be a lie if I say I did show everything of my inner self.

I have always had strong desire to be accepted and loved. Reflecting on myself, little girl inside me was so afraid that if I showed my true self that is full of ugly feelings and thought, everyone including those I love would not be able to even look at me.

Having had these self denial for a long while, I had learned how to display only the desirable side of me, or if I couldn't find the 'desirables' inside, I would just fake something like that....just to be loved, just so that people around me would accept me...I know, it was so exhausting!

It got better little by little after I started Transcendental Meditation(TM) 6 years ago, and I could probably say I am naturally being me least with those close ones. Still, it does bring back some of the fear of rejection to open up on this page too. Then why am I doing this?

Amma and Bhagavan completely destroyed my definition of 'self' by saying 'There is no You that exist'! Self is illusion that does not actually exist. Sense of Self brings you the sense of something that is not you, and that is the first process of separation.

We are all one single devine consciousness although right now we are so trapped inside the flow of mind where we pick up all kinds of negative or positive thought and feelings that we have come to think as our own. Writing about my inner self is not disclosing 'myself', but it is just looking at the 'mind' flowing back and forth inside everyone else as well. With this realization, I hope that by sharing the process of looking at my mind, it helps someone who is suffering just like I do.



バガヴァンとアンマを知ってからは、今まで私が思っていた自分、という概念が思いっきり覆されちゃった。つまり、’自分なんてものはない!’ わはは、すごーいでしょ。バガヴァンによるとね、自己というのは幻想に過ぎず、本当は存在しないものなのだそうです。’自分’という感覚は、自己でない’他’という感覚を内包しているわけだけれど、この分離感覚は錯覚だと、こういうわけなのです。



Sunday, August 07, 2005

Love to the World

I am Yumi, a Japanese woman currently living in Minnesota. Until up to very recent days, I have lived a life of suffering and pain. ....Well, I still do. However, the difference is, that I can see the dawn of freedom now. I got to know Kalki Bhagavan and his wife Amma, who have already shown me so much of love and miracles. It will be my greatest joy if I can introduce their Golden Age Movement into your life.
