Synchronicity 出会いの不思議

There was a wonderful meeting supported by incredible synchronicity.
When I came back from Tokyo in July, I desperately wanted to get connected with someone in the US to be a part of this Golden Age Movement. I contacted Sri Rani, then she gave me address of Marie and Nathan in Iowa, but couldn't get anyone closer in this huge land. I was keep praying. Then Marie and Nathan later emailed me that Elizabeth was coming to Minnesota sometime soon.
Unfortunately, her Deeksha Event will be held when I am in India for the 21 days course. I was disappointed that I couldn't meet her this time. Then, Elizabeth gave my info to the person organizing her event in Minnesota. After emails and phone calls, I finally met this person yesterday!
Simon got to know about Deeksha this May and spent his summer off in California where there are lots of Deeksha event. He stayed there for 2 weeks receiving Deeksha everyday, and recently came back home in Minnesota. Just like me, he was sad that there is no Deeksha giver here and that it is so hard to find someone to talk about it. He was asking Amma and Bhagavan that he wants to get to know someone with spiritual interest...
Then out of nowhere I appeared in Minnesota and somehow we got connected. It feels like nothing but Grace. We forgot time and talked away as if we have been friends for years.
He is hoping to participate in 21 day course either in January or in summer 06. Now Simon and I can plan some Deeksha Event and we can be supporting each other for our own spiritual path. Amma and Bhagavan coordinate everything to work perfectly. Everytime I become sad or disapointed, Divine Grace shows me I don't have to worry about anything. I will just have to leave everything to their Grace... Yes, Yes, Yes!!! Thank you so much Amma and Bhagavan, I love you dearly...
彼も来年の1月にアメリカ人向けの21日間コース参加をターゲットに予定を組んでいるので、これでコースの後ミネソタに帰ってきてから一緒にディクシャ活動をする仲間が確実にできたというわけ。ホントにアンマ・バガヴァンが全てうまくいくようにしてくれてるんだ~、何にも心配する事はないんだ~、と実感させられる出来事。ここまで見せられたら、もう、全てお任せしちゃうしかないよね♪ アンマ・バガヴァン、ありがとうございます!そしてサイモン、これからよろしくね☆
すごい、すごい~ \(^0^)/
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