Deeksha Event ディクシャ会のお知らせ

Deeksha is a transfer of energy for Enlightenment.
Oneness teacher Elizabeth Scherwenka has been on a spiritual journey for most of her life. Starting at a very young age with her connection to animals and nature, she has had a variety of teachers. For over ten years, she has embraced the teachings of Abraham-Hicks. She has worked under a Native American Shaman, attended Barbara Brennan workshops, and has been trained in psychic healing and reading at the Foundation for Spiritual Development in San Rafael. Most recently, she participated in the 21-day intensive program at Oneness University in India. During this time, she received “Deeksha,” a transfer of energy for Enlightenment. Elizabeth now transfers Deeksha to others.
“After receiving Deeksha, you will find that you are no longer controlled by the attachments of your mind but rather the fullness of your heart, where compassion is innate, forgiveness is not a question, and acceptance is a forgone conclusion. Feelings of separateness will no longer exist. In their place, you will experience feelings of Oneness – not as a “knowing” from your mind, but as a “knowing” from your heart.”
Time: 7:30-10 on Friday/10-1 on Saturday
Location: 6730 Vernon Ave. So. Edina, MN 55436
Contact: Simoniji @ 612-723-7593
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