Deeksha Environment ディクシャ環境
Keep thinking about India and about after 21 days maha-deeksha course in September. There are a lot of things I want to do. Lots of Deeksha activities. I wonder how it will work out though?? Maybe I am thinking too far out in the future again.
There are many things that make me think that Japan is very lucky regarding their environment for deeksha. Of course, all I have seen is recent development of the movement, and I am sure it is because of Mr. Oya and his friends' admirable efforts to have made Golden Age Movement as big as it is right now....
For example, the space for deeksha workshop. There are community centers or something similer to them wherever you go in Japan. They are easily accessible, and they are avairable for very few fee. In America, as long as I have seen, there is not much community centers. Community service is mostly done by charch and for this, it is not easily accesible unless you are an active memeber of the religion. I don't know much, but my guess is, it may be about the same in Europe and many other places as well.
Land is also one condition. Japan has great railway connections that goes to every corner of the country. Train stations are everywhere. If it is at this very moment, if you go a few hours from wherever you are, you could probably reach one deeksha giver. America is huge, however, no railway, car is the only transportation in most places.
I contacted Sri Rani's website the other day in order to ask if there is any deeksha giver close by Minneapolis. (Thank you for Mr.Oya for contact address) The answer was, the closest they know is in Fairfield, Iowa. IOWA! Yes, it is next to Minnesota, I know. But it takes 5-6 hours to get there at least! This is just incredible to a me who was so used to everything so close by. With 5-6 hours, you can probably go from Tokyo to Fukuoka by Shinkansen in Japan. (Probably 2/3 of the entire Japanese population would be in between) To cover this huge American land, I would guess a lot of deeksha givers would be needed. Or maybe long distance deeksha would be the popluar means?
One more noticeable thing is, religion. Japanese people have pretty generous attitude toward religion to my eyes. Even those who do belong to certain religious group, there is a tendency that part of their lifves have some other religion's color somewhere. For instance, I went to a Christian college although I am not a Christian. There, I got close to a friend whoes Father owns a temple as a Buddhist monk. She went to a Buddhist junior high, went to a Christian college, and whenever we traveled together and saw a Shinto Shrine we would visit for prayers. Nobody find it weired. Actually similer things happen everyday everywhere, and nobody find it strange. This is probably a remarkablly different attitude in the entire world.
If a certain religion has strong aspect in a culture or a country, it is a big thing to be understood in details that deeksha has absolutely no conflict with their religion. In the case of Japan, they just have to let people know deeksha does not belong to a religious group. Just in the same way Buddhist would be happy to go to a Christian college or vice versa, they would find it natural to keep their own faith or religion and still give space for Amma and Bhagavan in their life at the same time.
Oh well, I was just thinking out loud. Just thought there are many lucky components that Japan has. But I have leared Divine Grace will be given when you are at the right place for yourself wherever that might be. I try not to think too much. If I were to start giving deeksha after September maha-deeksha course, Amma and Bhagavan will certainly give me their Grace to do anything that need to be done. Fun to think about it!
インド行きのことを考えたりしながら、インドから帰ってきた時のことにも思いを馳せていました。帰ってきたら、いっぱいやりたいことがあるなぁ。いっぱいディクシャをしたいな。でもこの土地で、どうやっていこう??? うーん、我ながら相変わらず気が早い。。。
例えば、ディクシャの会をする場所。日本では、どんな地域にもコミュニティーセンターや、それに類似するものがあって、地域の人ならとっても安い値段で場所を予約することができるでしょう? アメリカには、コミュニティーセンターってものがないのよ~!多分、ヨーロッパなんかでも同じなんじゃないかな。それらが果たすべき役割は、大抵それぞれの地域にある教会が担っている、ってわけ。その教会に通う人間で、その活動にも参加している場合を除いて、スペースを借りる、ってのはなかなか難しいよね、当然。
この間、カリフォルニアにいる、アメリカでの運動の中心になっているRani さんという方のウェブサイトにアクセスして(大矢さんに教えて頂きました。ありがとうございました。)、ミネアポリス近辺でどなたかディクシャギヴァーはいませんか、って尋ねたら、あなたの所から一番近い人はアイオワ州フェアフィールドにいます、って返事だったのね。アイオワ!!!確かにアイオワは隣の州だけど、そんなの、車で5,6時間かかっちゃうよ。その他の交通手段はもちろん無い。無理だよう。5,6時間あれば、のぞみに乗れば東京から福岡まで、行けちゃうよ。アメリカは、広い。ディクシャも、日常の一こまになるまでには、相当の数のディクシャギヴァーがいないといけないんじゃないかな。 それか、遠隔が大活躍しそうな条件だね。
let it be・・・
そうですね♪ Kazesan、カシミールの旅、楽しんできて下さい。お土産話、楽しみにしています!
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