Monday, August 15, 2005

Divine Grace 大いなる母、アンマの恩寵

Photo by Masahiro Masuno
Today August 15th is Sri Amma's Birthday. I was praying for Amma's special Grace even though Her Birthday was actually last night since US is behind Indian time.

Sri Amma, Divine Mother, May you give me the state where I can love with the same love you give me. May you let me be by the many that need your love as one of your channels after I am through the 21 days course. I prayed for Her Grace so that I will clearly know that I am actually part of her Divine unconditional love.

After the prayer, I went to check my emails as usual. There I found a message from the Deeksha giver whose contact address Sri Rani had given me a couple of days ago. The message read,

'A special distance deeksha in honor of the birthday of Sri Amma will be given on Monday, August 15, from 9:00AM to 9:15AM Pacific Time. To receive the deeksha, just find a quiet place to rest and relax with your eyes closed and with gratitude towards the Divine in your heart. '

Can you imagine my surprise and joy and gratitude? Of course Amma knew all the jealous and sadness I had inside for not being able to participate in any of the celebration deeksha that was taking place all over the world. I felt as if I were hearing Amma say 'you have to heal yourself first, dear child.....' She gave me this wonderful gift to answer my prayers. Also thanks to Sri Rani who conducted the Deeksha and Nathan who gave me the information about it.  (The info was on the website, but I would not have known without his email. I was too late to check the website)

Sitting to receive the Golden energy at the given time, tears were coming down my face the whole time. How much love can She give me? My heart is full of gratitude for all what has given by Her. May Divine Grace be spread as quickly as possible in the world.....




その後、いつもの習慣通り、メールチェックしていたら、何と、この間ラニさん(アメリカでゴールデンエイジムーブメントの中心となっている方)から紹介して頂いていた、アイオワ州のディクシャギヴァーの方からメッセージが入っていました。アンマのお誕生日の遠隔ディクシャをするので、指定した時間にリラックスしてエネルギーを受け取ってください、と! (実際に遠隔ディクシャをされたのは、ラニさんで、この方は情報をメールで教えてくださったのです。)




Anonymous Anonymous said...


11:22 a.m.  
Blogger Yumi said...


11:33 a.m.  

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