Straightening Basic Relationships 父母との関係
I have been so irritated since this morning. I know the reason. When I was meditating last evening, I had a vision of the Korean Peninsula and realized that I have to face the dark emotions I had been trying not to see--relationship with my Father.
Before meditating, I had checked my email and had another message from Marie and Nathan. They gave me the information of homework that I could do to better prepare me for India. The main part of the homework is, to straighten out the relationship with parents. It starts as follows;
Imagine one parent as they are conceived in the womb of our grandmother. Feel how they felt as they matured in the womb, were born into the family of our grandparents, and grew up in their family. Experience their feelings as they matured, had romances, and finally conceived us. Feel the sacrifices they made for us. Feel how they felt when we were born, grew up, and left home. Feel what they felt when we hurt them. Ask their forgiveness. Ask their blessings. Repeat this exercise until the love flows freely between us and parents.
My mind had shut this out immediately when I read this, because the information was something it didn't want to see or hear or do. When I got a message from them about the distance deeksha, gratitude flooded out instantly. This time even gratitude couldn't seem to find a way up my heart--that was serious! Mind does some tricks! So I meditated. Then the deepest of my consciousness gave me this vision of Korea! Oh, Bhagavan, do I have to do this now? I really don't want to. It is too painful.....
Actually Korea was the place my Father was born. My grandpa was sent there as a government worker and went to the WWII from there. He was born during grandpa's absence since grandma got pregnant right before grandpa had to go. My Father was already 3 years old when grandpa came back. Grandpa never had a chance to see the cutest years of his first son, and he remained a rather formal and distant father than affectionate. Grandma was also a type who almost never showed warmth or affection. My Father never experienced being loved.
I have never been able to forgive my Father who has been selfish and abusive (emotionally and sometimes even physically) since my childfhood. Yet when I look at the way he was raised, I realize that he had never known warmth, kindness, the deepest of love. He didn't know any other way. There was nothing he could do about it, it was not his fault. All the love he could have given to my Mom, to me, or to my brothers, he didn't know what to do because he had never received any.
Looking back, whatever trouble I had in relationships especially with my husband, it all goes back to the relationship with my Father. Many of the arguments we have, it is when I see my Father in my husband or when I see the side of myself that I don't like in my husband. And the side of myself that I don't like is exactly like my Father!
This work is going to take me a while. There is so much to see. I have only touched the first clue, and I feel stuffed now. I will take it slow and will work out eventually. At least, I will not avoid looking at it anymore. Because I want to love, because I know my Father is also Bhagavan and Amma's child just as I am. I really want to see that.
見たくないものなので、はいはい、と言う感じですぐにマインドはすぐにシャットアウトし、そのことを考えもせず瞑想に入った。遠隔ディクシャのことを教えてもらった時は感謝の心がすぐに湧いてきたのに、今回はそれも脇においや られている感じ。マインドって、ほんとに巧妙に働くものなんだね。そしてでてきたのが「韓国」。ひぇー、バガヴァン、どうしても今これをみないとダメ?見たくないよ。痛いよ。
そうだね、人間は何にも自分ではできない存在なんだよね~。ほんとに、全ては恩寵しかないんだってこと。私たちにできるのは、ただ「見る」ってことなのかもね。そこから先は、お任せ!私も、アンマとバガヴァンにお願いしてばっかりだよぅ(^-^) お二人はきっと大忙しだね☆
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