First Diary! 初めての日記
It is exciting and also a bit scary to write here. It does take some courage... It might sound wicked, but I used to be a person who never disclose herself to anyone except to very few good friends. And even to those few, it would be a lie if I say I did show everything of my inner self.
I have always had strong desire to be accepted and loved. Reflecting on myself, little girl inside me was so afraid that if I showed my true self that is full of ugly feelings and thought, everyone including those I love would not be able to even look at me.
Having had these self denial for a long while, I had learned how to display only the desirable side of me, or if I couldn't find the 'desirables' inside, I would just fake something like that....just to be loved, just so that people around me would accept me...I know, it was so exhausting!
It got better little by little after I started Transcendental Meditation(TM) 6 years ago, and I could probably say I am naturally being me least with those close ones. Still, it does bring back some of the fear of rejection to open up on this page too. Then why am I doing this?
Amma and Bhagavan completely destroyed my definition of 'self' by saying 'There is no You that exist'! Self is illusion that does not actually exist. Sense of Self brings you the sense of something that is not you, and that is the first process of separation.
We are all one single devine consciousness although right now we are so trapped inside the flow of mind where we pick up all kinds of negative or positive thought and feelings that we have come to think as our own. Writing about my inner self is not disclosing 'myself', but it is just looking at the 'mind' flowing back and forth inside everyone else as well. With this realization, I hope that by sharing the process of looking at my mind, it helps someone who is suffering just like I do.
バガヴァンとアンマを知ってからは、今まで私が思っていた自分、という概念が思いっきり覆されちゃった。つまり、’自分なんてものはない!’ わはは、すごーいでしょ。バガヴァンによるとね、自己というのは幻想に過ぎず、本当は存在しないものなのだそうです。’自分’という感覚は、自己でない’他’という感覚を内包しているわけだけれど、この分離感覚は錯覚だと、こういうわけなのです。
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