Friday, October 28, 2005

Deeksha Meeting ディクシャの会 in ミネソタ

Photo by Masahiro Masuno

There was a Deeksha Meeting last night for the first time in Minnesota for me, and the 2nd one for the State of Minnesota. Last time when Simon, Preeth and I met, we decided to start Deeksha meeting even if it is only 3 of us coming for the meeting, and this was the starter.

Simon, his former colleague Barbara, Barbara's son Tony, and I were the ones who came to the meeting. Preeth had to go out of town and couldn't make it. Meaning, I was the only Deeksha-giver of the day. I was a little bewildered when Preeth called and said she couldn't come because I know she is a very caring, experienced Deeksha-giver who knows how to talk with heart and make the Deeksha process smooth.

I had expectations that I could just relax and leave everything to God. But I was forced to realize that I had actually left everything to Preeth instead of surrendering to God. God is never deceived. This is another lesson God gave me to see what was really inside me.

But anyway, the meeting was still on, and I had to do something there despite my total helplessness. I had no way but to face the Divine Presence within, pray with total surrender (this time), that the Divine Will will be done, so that each participants will be enveloped by the Divine Light, and connected with their Presence.

It helped that it was a small group, and we shared our experiences, asked questions and talked about the problems/sufferings we have in our daily life after we introduced ourselves to each other. All the human beings are one, we are the same. Whether we come from the East or the West, or age, sex, race, or religion does not matter. We all suffer the same suffering, we all cry for the same pain. The same questions I have many times asked, and the same kind of problems and sufferings that I had heard in Japan and went through myself, was also talked about in the meeting as well.

After sharing experiences, Deeksha was given. Simon said he saw a Golden Ball coming down onto my hands when I was praying in front of the Srimurthi. Each of us went deep into the Silence.

Then this day's special menu was Phone Deeksha from Rani-ji. United States is huge, and there are too many regions that do not have any Deeksha Event. With this condition, Phone Deeksha works very well and seems to be a popular way to get Deeksha. I heard that the line is always booked full. We turned the Phone into the speaker for the four of us to participate.

Each participant's self-introductions, greetings, and lecture, then questions are accepted (no questions on this day). Then Rani-ji conducted Chakra Dhyana, and we received Deeksha. I had wondered what Phone Deeksha would be like and it turned out to be a very powerful session. My body started swinging, and I could clearly feel energy going through my spine.

We stayed in silence for a while and enjoyed chatting later. Just as I prayed and asked, the Divine Presence led this meeting to be a sacred, friendly gathering to help each other deepening the process.

We made a commitment to do this Deeksh Meeting every Thursday. I was thinking I wanted to take pictures, but it turned out the buttery was out. Maybe next time!





体験のシェアの後、ディクシャをした。 サイモンは、私がアンマ・バガヴァンのシュリムルティ(写真)の前で祈っていた時、私の手のひらにゴールデンボールが降りてきて、その中に星のマーク(?)がついていたのを見た、と言った。それぞれが深い静寂の中に入り、睡眠状態に入った人もいたようだ。





Wednesday, October 26, 2005








Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Freedom from an attachment ある囚われからの解放

Photo by Masahiro Masuno

Below is my email reply to someone. We were talking about past lives. There was a debate recently in other place, and I decided I would like to put my experience here as well.

Yes, it is much better if we can enjoy seeing our past lives without being attached to it. Right after I arrived in India, there was a time in my process when I got haunted by the idea that I left this earth without accomplishing what I was supposed to do in the past. I got attached to the idea and it was hard to think of other things. So when I went to the Cosmic Beings, I asked them. "Please let me see what I need to see, let me experience what I need to experience, let me have what I need to have."

I prayed with an expectation that they would show me the past life that I might need (want) to see. However, what I experienced was nothing to do with past lives. The next day I did this prayer, I had a hard time getting out of bed, I got annoyed by silly little things like whispers of the neighbors in the same room, alarm clock ringing, etc, etc. My body felt very heavy and I was down and depressed. Since I was experiencing light and joy till that day, I couldn't understand what was wrong with me and asked Dasa-ji about the situation.

Dasa-ji said, "Look very carefully, isn't it the way you are in everyday life? You feel tired and you don't want to go to work in the morning, and irritated by little things around you. Impatience, anger, irritation, isn't it what you feel all the time? That is what the Divine Presence is showing you."

That was exactly right. Divine Presence was showing me the reality of myself. I was totally beaten. I cried looking at the ugliness of my reality. I also laughed thinking about how tactically the Divine Presence has shown me "what I need to see" just as exactly as I asked. That means,the Divine was trying to tell me to be in the moment of "Now" instead of focusing in the past. My tears were running, and my nose was running, at the same time I was laughing like a nut!

Well, this is my experience, but I do still find it fascinating to be able to feel connections that transcend time and space with all the people I love and care.


確かに、過去生にとらわれることなく楽しみたいですね。私はインドに行ったばかりの時、過去に何かをやり残していた、っていう感覚にとりつかれていたことがありました。そのことばっかり考えるようになってしまって、どうしようもなかったので、例のCosmic Beingのところに行った時にお願いしたんですよ、「私が見るべきものを見せて下さい、経験すべきものを経験させて下さい、持つべきものを与えて下さい」って。





Monday, October 24, 2005

At Amma Darshan アンマダルシャンにて

Photo by Masahiro Masuno

During the 21 Day process in India, I realized that I have always been living in the concept of competition and comparison. I thought I had come to the point where I had enough of those, and thought I have hoped to have absolute value, absolute joy inside me that I don't need to look at something else for validation. I thought I could say 'I am ok, I am good as I am'...And it was not a lie. It is just that I found out I still did compare everything at the subconsciousness level.

And I saw the root reason. During a meditation, I saw an image of young me and my brother. I was hitting his head in jealous and anger--little I was screaming 'why is it always you?' The memory which I had forgotten for a long while came back.

Yes, I was always jealous with my brother whom I thought had all the love and attention of my parents. I worked my butt off in study, sports, everything because I thought I cannot win my parents love and attention unless I prove myself in competition and comparison. I was screaming inside...'Look, I have better grades, I run faster, I do everything better than him! Look at me! Love me!'

And I was shocked to realize that my inner child's need of being seen, and being special to my parents surfaced in the spiritual part as well. I was competing and comparing myself with my fellow 6,400,000,000 soul brothers and sisters trying to get Amma and Bhagavan's attention. "Amma,Bhagavan, please look at me, I love you so much, I make this much effort, I do sadana so sincerely, and I am giving this much of kindness to everyone...."

When I went to Amma's Darshan, however, uncontrollable tears flowed down on my cheek. What I saw was the unshakable, absolute love. For Amma and Bhagavan, there is no such thing like who is superior or who is inferior, who is better or who is wrong. For the Divine, each one of us is irreplaceable dear child.

The need of being accepted and the concept that I have to win in competition in order to be accepted, is still there inside me. Yet at the same time, Amma made me see that it was all illusion that have I lived in.

I also came to realize that I have been receiving so much joy, love, and support from all those soul brothers and sisters with whom I might be subconsciously competing. Yuko-san, Tomo-chan, Simon, Preeth, Kanako-san, Watanabe-san...there are too many to put names down... Thank you sooooo much for just being there.







Friday, October 21, 2005


Photo by Masahiro Masuno








Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Rock Minnesota! ミネソタ・ロック計画 

Photo by Masahiro Masuno

Before going to India, there was a miraculous meeting with Simon, and now there was another one recently

On that day, I was google searching if there is anything new coming up in Golden Age Movement. Then this ad on Indian yellow page hit the search which says "Amma Bhagavan, Golden Age Movement, Golden City. Looking for friends of same interest". And this person is in Minnesota!!! I got so excited and emailed right away that I was going to the Golden City soon, that there was a Deeksha Event in September while I'm in India, and that I would love to meet her when I came back.

I didn't receive a reply soon enough before leaving for India, but when I came back, I had a few emails from her. We contacted through emails and phone calls, and finally we met the other day.

She has known Amma and Bhagavan for about 10 years and is one of the Indians who got the first Deeksha when they started giving it. Krishna-ji (son of Amma and Bhagavan) was one of the people she received Deeksha from! Later she participated in the Mukti process, worked in and outside of India and recently got to Minnesota for her husband's job. She too, has been looking for friends to do Deeksha activities here.

We shared our process and experiences, gave Deeksha to each other, and talked about what we want to do from now on. She told me that there were over 10 people for the first Deeksha Event in Minnesota in September, with lots of great experiences. We decided that we should meet more often and start little circle of prayers/meditation/Deeksha with 3 of us (Simon, she and I)as a starter.

I have experienced that prayers are the most powerful way to connect with the Divine Presence. It is a very small group of just 3, but our prayers will certainly be heard and it will bring people of same heart one by one, and I am convinced that one day it will envelope the whole state of Minnesota. Rock Minnesota!







Saturday, October 15, 2005






仕事がどうも面白くなく、これから続けていけるかなぁ、って考えながら帰ってきたので、これはもしかしたら神様のサインなのかな?と都合よく解釈して、毎日のんきに近くの湖に散歩に出て日々を過ごしている。それにしても、仕事のことも含めて、いろんなことを全くと言っていいほど「心配」することができなくなってしまった。私があんまりボーっとしているので、夫に ”Where did you leave your mind? I didn't expect my wife to come back without her brain!" (マインドはどこに置いてきたの?脳みそを忘れて帰ってくるとは思わなかったよ!)と、なんとも的確なコメントを頂きました。

Friday, October 14, 2005

Everything happens automatically 全ては自動的 

Photo by Masahiro Masuno

Many things started to change around me after I decided to go to India, but the speed seems to double after I came back. For example, I see friends I wanted to see at the place I visit. I think I want to give lots of Deeksha, then invitation to Deeksha event would fly in, or I get requests for personal Deeksha sessions. The things I hoped to happen before I went to India start evolving all of a sudden. It is automatic and so easy...

Among all, something big had happened the next day I came back from India to my parents' house. I was not able to forgive my Father since my childhood, but on that day my Mother told me something unbelievable. She was also in a deep thought and started, "This is something I heard from Yoko (my Aunt), but Dad seems to have had a huge argument with Grandma the other day. "

My Grandmother had spilled out a load of complaints about me who is in America and therefore cannot visit her very often in front of relatives. My Father went into argument trying to protect me. When it happened my Mother was not there, so he didn't even bother to tell her, still less to me. My Mother just heard this incident from my Aunt later on.

I was so shocked to hear the story since I grew up never feeling his affection. Did he actually love me? Did he always have affection to my Mother, to me, to my Brothers? Was it just that he didn't know how to show it? Was he also suffering from loneliness? Has he always been protecting us when we didn't even know? When I thought of this, I felt a huge block of ice inside me started melting and for the first time in more than a decade I could say "Thank you" to my Father.

I tried to work on straightening the relationship with him before India and ended up in tears without being able to go deeper than thinking about his Birth. All I could do was to ask Amma to do something about it because I cannot do anything more by myself. Then this incident occurred, without effort on my part. Automatic!

It is still awkward for both my Father and me to talk like a normal Father and a Daughter, but it was a great step forward that I could see part of my Father's heart and the block in mine melted away. It is such a Grace that I can now think that it is OK that my Father is as he is and our relationship is as it is.


その中でも、私にとってとっても大きな出来事が、インドから日本の両親の家に帰った次の日に起こった。私は幼い頃からずっと、父との関係にわだかまりを抱え、彼を許す事ができずにいた。ところがその日、母が感慨深そうに私に言ったのだ。「お父さんね、おばあちゃんと喧嘩しちゃったらしいのよ。私も容子さん(叔母)から聞いた話なんだけど。。。 」





Thursday, October 13, 2005

Back from India 帰国報告

Photo by Masahiro Masuno

The 21 day course for the Japanese ended on 25 Sept and I came back to Japan on 27 Sept, also came back to Minnesota last night. It is confusing to put in words because there are too many "came back". I also wanted to say that I "went back" to India. It might sound weird because it was the first time I went there, but I did feel that I was finally back Home when the bus arrived in Anandaloka 2. When Dasaji said "Welcome Home" at the first session, tears came down like waterfalls. As the course ended and on the way back to the Chennai airport, again my heart was filled with the intuitive feelings that I would come back 'home' very soon.

It used to be that I never felt at home anywhere I go. Wherever I was, I felt I was only halfway there and I don't belong to the place entirely. Surprisingly, now I often feel that I was there before, and I 'came back' to the place I am at. I am really enjoying the sense of melting into the place/situation I am at or the people I am with.

Japan, where I have my parents and family, many friends, is undoubtedly my 'home' I grew up. Minnesota I am living right now is surely my 'house', 'family', and 'home' as well. And India, where I felt the unmistakable feeling of nostalgia that comes from the deepest of my soul, was my 'home' too.

And, there was something wonderful and mysterious happened during the course. When one of the participants and a Buddhist monk Mr. Shojin Sugasawa performed a Buddhist ritual one day and sang a Tibetan song, I felt such a strong sense of 'I know this' and nostalgy all of a sudden and my tears started running without me knowing. Probably I was there a long time ago and the memory somehow was called back by the song.

Considering all that, I started wondering if there is any place on this planet I have never been after repeating countless birth and death. It is not easy to put in words, but I felt that there might not be any place that is my 'home' or 'not home'. This Earth, or this entire universe is where I am part of, and where I belong to--this came to my heart like a matter of fact. . . It is difficult to explain. I would just say that everything and every place seemed so dear to me.

ちゃんと行けるかあんなに心配していたインド21日間コース、ちゃんと終えて9月27日に日本に帰り、そして昨日ミネソタに帰ってきました。あれれ、何だか「帰る」ところがいっぱいで文字にすると混乱しちゃうね。インドも、本当は「行った」っていうよりは、「帰った」と言った方がしっくり来る感じ。実際、アーナンダロカ2に着いた時、「やっと帰ってきたんだ~、ただいま」っていう思いでいっぱいになって、自分でもびっくり。最初のセッションのときのダーサジの「Welcome home」という言葉にも、涙が滝のように流れ出てきたんだよ。コースを終えて空港に向かう時にも、同じように「またすぐに帰ってくるからね」という思いに満たされていたっけ。




そんなことを考えたら、私は今まで何度も何度も生まれ変わり生きてきた中で、この世界中で「故郷」でない場所なんて一体あるのだろうか、とふと思ったんだ。うまく言葉にできないけれど、「故郷」も「故郷でない場所」もなくて、この地球、いや宇宙が全部、私が属するその源なんだということが実感として腹に落ちた、って感じかなぁ。 ああ、うまく表現できない。。。ま、いっか。全てのもの、全ての場所が愛しいと感じたっていうことにしておこう。。。