Back from India 帰国報告
The 21 day course for the Japanese ended on 25 Sept and I came back to Japan on 27 Sept, also came back to Minnesota last night. It is confusing to put in words because there are too many "came back". I also wanted to say that I "went back" to India. It might sound weird because it was the first time I went there, but I did feel that I was finally back Home when the bus arrived in Anandaloka 2. When Dasaji said "Welcome Home" at the first session, tears came down like waterfalls. As the course ended and on the way back to the Chennai airport, again my heart was filled with the intuitive feelings that I would come back 'home' very soon.
It used to be that I never felt at home anywhere I go. Wherever I was, I felt I was only halfway there and I don't belong to the place entirely. Surprisingly, now I often feel that I was there before, and I 'came back' to the place I am at. I am really enjoying the sense of melting into the place/situation I am at or the people I am with.
Japan, where I have my parents and family, many friends, is undoubtedly my 'home' I grew up. Minnesota I am living right now is surely my 'house', 'family', and 'home' as well. And India, where I felt the unmistakable feeling of nostalgia that comes from the deepest of my soul, was my 'home' too.
And, there was something wonderful and mysterious happened during the course. When one of the participants and a Buddhist monk Mr. Shojin Sugasawa performed a Buddhist ritual one day and sang a Tibetan song, I felt such a strong sense of 'I know this' and nostalgy all of a sudden and my tears started running without me knowing. Probably I was there a long time ago and the memory somehow was called back by the song.
Considering all that, I started wondering if there is any place on this planet I have never been after repeating countless birth and death. It is not easy to put in words, but I felt that there might not be any place that is my 'home' or 'not home'. This Earth, or this entire universe is where I am part of, and where I belong to--this came to my heart like a matter of fact. . . It is difficult to explain. I would just say that everything and every place seemed so dear to me.
ちゃんと行けるかあんなに心配していたインド21日間コース、ちゃんと終えて9月27日に日本に帰り、そして昨日ミネソタに帰ってきました。あれれ、何だか「帰る」ところがいっぱいで文字にすると混乱しちゃうね。インドも、本当は「行った」っていうよりは、「帰った」と言った方がしっくり来る感じ。実際、アーナンダロカ2に着いた時、「やっと帰ってきたんだ~、ただいま」っていう思いでいっぱいになって、自分でもびっくり。最初のセッションのときのダーサジの「Welcome home」という言葉にも、涙が滝のように流れ出てきたんだよ。コースを終えて空港に向かう時にも、同じように「またすぐに帰ってくるからね」という思いに満たされていたっけ。
そんなことを考えたら、私は今まで何度も何度も生まれ変わり生きてきた中で、この世界中で「故郷」でない場所なんて一体あるのだろうか、とふと思ったんだ。うまく言葉にできないけれど、「故郷」も「故郷でない場所」もなくて、この地球、いや宇宙が全部、私が属するその源なんだということが実感として腹に落ちた、って感じかなぁ。 ああ、うまく表現できない。。。ま、いっか。全てのもの、全ての場所が愛しいと感じたっていうことにしておこう。。。
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