Monday, November 28, 2005

Off to India! 再びインドへ!

I'm ff to India for the 21 day course (again)! This time I will participate as a translator for the Japanese. I am grateful for Amma & Bhagavan to have given me this wonderful gift. Things will be different this time since I will be one of the staff persons. I'm looking forward to experiencing every single moment to the fullest in the position given!


Friday, November 25, 2005


Photo by Masahiro Masuno

11月の第4木曜日は感謝祭である。どの家も、数日前からいくつものパイを焼き始め、当日は朝からターキーを焼いて、昼ごろには遠方からの家族も集合してのディナーとなる。我が家も毎年夫の祖父母の家を訪ねる。 叔父叔母、従姉妹も含めて15人ほどの家族全員大集合だ。





Monday, November 21, 2005

Surrender 委ねるということ

Photo by Masahiro Masuno

The other day during a session by my friend and a Channeler Simon, I received a message from higher beings. One of the important key of the message was to "Surrender".

In a previous life before this one, it seems like I went through a hard time trying to reconnect the division that was apparent in and outside of myself. I did all possible effort that human mind can hold, tried everything that came across my way. And it continued in this life up until very recent time as well.

"My dear child, it is not difficult at all...It is effortless, it does not need or require anything. Just surrender, surrender, and surrender..."

The voice told me many times the key is to Surrender, to put aside the mind and to know its limitations. I felt as if my heart and mind had become see-through. I had always thought that it is my responsibility and up to my effort if I can get out of misery. I thought Enlightenment is something to be achieved through effort. But it was not true. I just had to give up control, and admit that I was helpless for the Grace to intervene...

Looking back, I did experience this message not by words, but by actual happenings. The first 3 days of the course, I got up at 3am to meditate, which was my sadhana for the last 7 years. I can say I was doing it because I was forced by my own mind ("you have to make an effort or you will never get it!"). I walked to the lecture room, asked the security to open the door, and I actually made it the first 2 days. Then the 3rd day, a few flies and mosquitoes started attacking me while I was trying to settle into a position to meditate.

So I prayed, "Lord, I want to meditate. Please keep these flies and mosquitoes quiet for a while..." Then, to my surprise, they multiplied the number and attacked me even harder. It annoyed me so badly and I was angry. Come on, it is a lecture room! There shouldn't be any of them in here!!! In spite of my wishes and prayers, they never stopped attacking me and I finally gave up to meditate and went back to the room to sleep. It was the first and the last time I ever saw any flies in the lecture room.

So it was the moment I was freed from the force of mind to meditate. I had realized that God was trying to tell me "effort" is not necessary. All I needed to do was to surrender. I still do meditate, but not any more as a mean to achieve something, but because it makes me feel better. I do it only when I really feel like it and only as long as I want to. However, I have to note that it was only when I realized that there is actually nothing I can do on my own and I am helpless, that I could actually surrender to the Supreme Consciousness. Well, even that would have been impossible if God didn't show me like this. It was His Grace to show me to show me, everything is actually His Grace...





それ以降のインドでは自分では全く瞑想しなかった。これは瞑想が強迫観念でなくなった瞬間のこと。 今は、瞑想は気が向く時に、やりたい時にやりたい時間だけやっている。もう何かを達成するために努力をしようとする、そのための手段としてではなく、ただ自分の気持ちがいいから。。。祈りの中で自然に瞑想状態に入る事もあるけれど、それはそれでいいだろうと思っている。自分でできることなんて何もないのだと気付いた時に、委ねることができる。ただ、神様がこんな風に示してくれなければ、それさえもどうにもならなかったことだろう。でも、考えてみれば、自分で何もしなくていいなんて、なんて楽チンなんだろう♪これは、かなり楽しくて嬉しいことだ♪

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Gratitude 感謝と祈りと

Photo by Masahiro Masuno

Ever since it is decided that I will be leaving from Minnesota for a while, I look back and realize with amazement what a beautiful place I have been living and what wonderful friends I have in here. Within just 5 minutes is a lake where our brother animals live, houses are surrounded by 100 years old trees which changes its cloths in different seasons to nurture our eyes. And I got to know great friends to take hands in the path of Light.

The freezing air of winter where everything is closed in the snow and therefore the firelight welcomes us with even warmer hospitality. The lively spring where all the baby greens shooting up from the snow and squirrels start dancing in the lawn again. The summer in the shadow of trees by the lake. And the autumn where leaves change its colors into bright fire red, orange, and yellow--the most beautiful season of Minnesota...

And thanks to all the friends who makes this place a comfortable home.

As I am leaving this place in a week, many friends took me for dinner, held potluck parties, and invited me to their homes during the last couple of weeks. I have started feeling as if I am leaving a hometown even though I have only lived here for 2 years.

All the friends of Light from the country of the rising sun, all the friends of Light I met in this beautiful land of Minnesota, and all the friends of Light from all over the world that I haven't seen yet, let us take hands, let us be the Bridge of the Universe, the Galaxy, the Mother Earth, and all the life that exist...The message vibrates in the heart...Deepest gratitude for the life given, for being here...I never thought I could be truly thankful for everything that is...Am I dreaming...?






Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Memory of the Earth 遥か遠い日の記憶

Photo by Masahiro Masuno

I feel the vibration of the Mother Earth

I hear the voice of the Father Spirit

We walked with our Brother baffalos

We cherished the flowers in prairie

We sang with the melody of stream of water

All were one and all supported each other

We protected our Brother Baffalos

We protected the flowers and the birds on the tree

We lived with the pure water that flows through our Mother Earth

We spent days with the move of the Sun

We prayed for the moon and the stars during the night

When was it?












Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Change of Environment 環境の変化

Photo by Masahiro Masuno

The environment around me has started moving so quickly recently. It is almost making me feel dizzy. To begin with, it seems like I was released from work which was supposed to be hectic in the fall and winter...well, I really don't know...because my boss (it's a small company and my boss is the managing director)never picks up the phone or respond to emails anymore.

My job is to visit clients that the boss gives, so I cannot do anything if she didn't call. Just when I wondered what happened and if I got fired, the Japanese coordinator of the 21 day process contacted me if I would be interested in joining the December course as a translator. I immediately realized this is something Amma & Bhagavan arranged for me and I gratefully accepted the offer to come to India!

Then again, just when I was wondering what I should do after coming back from India and how hard the job-hunting could be, my husband got a job in Japan. I lost my words being presented this series of miracles. I had always wanted to go back to Japan and had been praying for it for a long while. But it never happened earlier.

By the time I went to India, it didn't matter anymore because I had given wonderful friends here in Minnesota to work for God together with and I had realized that where I live is not important for the work (giving Deeksha) I want to do. So at the end of the 21 day course, I prayed to Amma..."Please send me where I can be the best use for you, where I can work for you and the humanity the most. I would go anywhere you tell me to go, Japan, America, Africa, China, North/South Pole... wherever you want me to be, I will be grateful to be there..."

So this is what Amma is telling me to do. Go back go Japan, and do the work... She just arranged everything at the very right timing as soon as I come back from India and displayed it in front of me to take. I am in awe and full of gratitude, I can only prostrate in front of the feet of beloved Amma & Bhagavan... All I can do is to pray, to surrender, and to accept that is given with gratitude.... Nothing else...






Monday, November 14, 2005

New Chapter of my Life 新たなる始まり

Last weekend came with full package of everything that I needed right now. Lots of Deeksha, Deeksha, Deeksha, and revelations along with it.

Thursday night was the weekly Deeksha day. This time many was busy and it was only three of us came. Although it was a very small meeting, strong force of energy went through us and Preeth was enveloped in the state of Oneness. Her laughter didn't have any sign of stopping for a long while, and Simon and I started laughing just looking at her laughing. If there was anyone passed by the hallway of the apartment room, they might have startled at our crazy laughter. . .Later we had dinner with the dishes each of us brought. My mind was almost gone and on my way home I almost hit a bike that jumped onto the road ignoring the signal. Phew, that was dangerous! But of course Amma somehow saved me from making an accident.

Saturday we had Twin Deeksha givers Elizabeth and Catherine from San Fransisco. Preeth and I joined with them to make a team of four Goddess(?), and there were 6 beautiful friends to participate. My ex-colleague Maria also came by surprise which was also very special to me. Sharing of experiences, Meditation, Deeksha and Dance...'I' was totally broken this day and I think I was laughing like a nut, rolling around on the floor. Mmmm...this 'Goddess' was not a very graceful one, obviously..!

And meeting with Elizabeth and Catherine was an inspiration for me. We talked about how Deeksha is spreading in Japan and California, and plans for the future. They do want to travel around this huge country of the United States to give Deeksha. They have come to Minneapolis, Milwaukee, and probably to Chicago in near future. Catherine told me she really would like to come to Japan as well. So it will happen sometime not too far in the future... I have been thinking a lot about travel of Deeksha and healing these days, and so it was great to hear the same hope and desire from them. Maybe we would travel not only the US or Japan but also around the world together...Who knows?

Sunday, we had planned to gather with Preeth and I, but with all the strong energy on Thursday and Saturday, Preeth was down on bed. So 4 of the regular members and one new friend gathered for a small meeting of laughter and joy.

Awakening of higher-self was the theme of this day and usually quiet(during the Deeksha)Barbara and Tony was in constant laughter. Tony said there was something in his chest tickling him from inside. Others were hit by lots of belch or laughter... well each of us had our own unique experiences and went back home embracing our higher-self inside.

After this Deeksha meeting on Sunday, it happened that Simon and I would meet for a personal session. This time Simon as a giver... He is a Mystic with the special gift to read Acasic record and to channel higher beings. With this session by Simon, I got a tremendous revelation, but I would talk about it some other time. It was a very special weekend for me anyway...

Everything moves so fast these days and I can only watch in awe and accept whatever is happening in gratitude and surrender. Thank you Amma・Bhagavan, everything is Your Will...I feel like I was born again for the new chapter of my life.








Saturday, November 05, 2005



今回バーバラは、みんなでチャクラディヤーナをした時、パスポートを取りなさい、インドに行きなさいというメッセージを受け取ったそうだ。高校の先生である彼女は、でも、1月は教えないといけないし、どうやってインドに行くの?と聞く。プリースと私は顔を見合わせて笑い、私達にはどうやってかは分からないけど、でもとにかく、もう全部決まっているのよ、きっとそうなるよ、と異口同音に言った。 ”But how?!(でも、どうやって?!)"と首を傾げている彼女を見ながら、数ヶ月前の自分を見るようだな~、と思った。




Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Moksha Deeksha モクシャ(死後解脱) のディクシャ

Photo by Masahiro Masuno

Last weekend, my Mother's family had all kinds of Buddhist ceremonies for the Ancestors. 49th day of my Grandfather's death, 3rd anniversary of my Grandmother's, and 61st anniversary for an ancestor. I was not able to be there physically, so I prayed for their Moksha and gave Deeksha thinking of them.

I was my Grandmother's dearest treasure, and I still have moments when I cannot help tears coming down when I think of her. She loved me dearly as if to say it wouldn't hurt even if she puts me inside her eyes. Again my memory with grandma came back and my heart was filled with so much gratitude and love for her.

Grandma, please don't come back. I love you dearly, and I want you to be happy by the side of God. Grandpa, please don't give too much trouble to Grandma, please find who you really are in the Light of God. It is not necessary to come back for it...Dear ancestors, I thank you so much for who I am now...

After prayers and Deeksha, Minnesota time was already showing me to go to bed, and I fell asleep right away. Then, I felt someone stroking my cheek so gently just like Grandma always did when I was little. I woke up and looked around, but nobody was there. Grandma, you came to visit me...Are you back with God now...?

I have heard quite a few times that when you receive a Moksha Deeksha, the Dead would come to let you know his/her gratitude. Yet I didn't expect anything like that because I have tendency of not being able to see or hear unseenable. Maybe Grandma used the Sense to let me know... I woke up the next morning with clarity that I didn't experience in a while.

先週末は祖父の49日と祖母の3回忌、そしてご先祖様の61回忌と、母方の法事続きだった。物理的にその場に居る事はできなかった私だけれど、遠隔で(?)参加させてもらった。 ちょうど法事の始まる時間に、ご先祖様、祖父、祖母に感謝の祈りを捧げ、モクシャを祈り、ディクシャをした。


